Tuesday, June 9, 2009

To Olivia

Renaissance woman, Bohemian child, Earth Goddess
Young spirit…old soul
A long way we go back

I’ve watched you play, smile, fuss, and give people that sideways glance.
Being, knowing, evolving.
Like a lock of your hair, your personality has curled around my heart and tickled my senses.

You are the seamstress who weaves love and light into the fabric of every day.
You are the baker who kneads us, but in reality, it is we who need you.

Lover of words…and your words love you back, Sista
Soothing the heart and invigorating the mind.
Rub your ideas together and start a fire. All you need is a spark.
Feed it with the fuel of anger and passion.

You see boundaries but you’re undaunted.
Climbing over fences, frolicking in fields and wondering why others don’t join you.
It is what it is…and so much more.
You can see past the surface and even past the depths.

The mist clears and I see your face
You smile, and then you’re gone again…but not lost.
Even when the fog of uncertainty rolls in, you continue to dance.

You make music with your father’s heartbeat and the melody of your mother’s spirit.
It rises from your depths, spilling over like bubbles, dancing lightly on my skin.

Dance the dance of the wild and free, the gutsy and the feisty.
Stand in the mud and the rain and embrace the cold.
I know you’ve fallen before, because I can see your tracks…and right beside them I see my own.
We’ve all been there, done that before…but you get up and keep going.
That’s what’s important.

You’re real, you’re raw
Full of life, real life, not that fake stuff.
Shout and cry at the top of your lungs… in joy, in passion, in frustration.
Renaissance woman, Bohemian child, Earth Goddess, My friend

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